From 16 to 19 April 2013 the ANRA hosted the NDA training course organized in frame of the US DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration International Safeguards and Engagement Program (INSEP).
The training course was intended for specialists from the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, Armenian NPP and ANRA involved in the NDA. The presentations were made by the experts from the IAEA and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. During the training the lecturers presented NDA devises used for indentification of nuclear materials. The training program envisaged the associated practical exercises in ANRA and Armenian NPP. Upon completion of the training course, the trainees were awarded with the certificates. During the final meeting between the INSEP team and the ANRA management, the latter expressed its gratitude for the cooperation and the assistance provided by the INSEP team. The INSEP team and the ANRA management discussed also the activities implemented, the progresses achieved and also the future cooperation trends. 2012