ANRA Statement


Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority is committed to establishment, implementation, assessment and continual improvement its management system and has the personnel to perform the regulatory functions as established in the national legislation and in accordance with the international practice of nuclear and radiation safety regulation.

ANRA personnel performs its functions and responsibilities on the basis of fundamental values contained in the following principles:

• ANRA respects social values and norms.

  • • ANRA promotes and supports environmental protection, safety culture, implementation of requirements of the management system.
  • • ANRA’s quality management system aimed to ensure that the regulation of nuclear and radiation safety in nuclear facilities is performed in accordance with the national legislation and the international practice.
  • • ANRA performs its funcations independently of any economic or political interests and with the competent personnel, adhering at the same time to the latest state of the art in science and technology.
  • • ANRA follows the national and international state of the art in science and technology, and all rules and regulations that are relevant to the functions ANRA performs.
  • • ANRA’s tasks are performed in an efficient way and ANRA personnel is aware of the required quality.

Attitude and behavior of ANRA personnel are characterized by:

    • Objectivity,
    • Consistency and vigilance,
    • Systematic approach,
    • Openness and transparency,
    • Transfer of knowledge,
    • Interdisciplinary communication,
    • International and domestic cooperation
    • Sense of responsibility and commitment.

ANRA promotes the creativity of its personnel. It ensures working climate that encourages high performance and innovation, and supports their professional and individual development.

ANRA promotes national and international scientific co-operation. ANRA cooperates with the national state authorities and organizations, the international organizations and regulatory authorities of different countries to strengthen the nuclear regulatory regime in the Republic of Armenia and to harmonize the requirements internationally, especially those that are related to the regulation of nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear facilities.

ANRA presents the results of its work in transparent and comprehensible manner and communicates them to the public and government.

This policy is communicated to all ANRA personnel and interested parties. ANRA personnel is expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this policy.

ANRA is committed to the success of this policy and ensures that it is reviewed by its management on a regular basis along with the quality objectives and the strategies for their achievement for their continuing suitability and effectiveness, and implements any necessary changes.