✓ In support to the state registration certificate of the source the owner of the ionizing radiation source submits to the regulatory authority: the source passport (form) or a certificate issued by the source manufacturer, which contains information on the source manufacturer, source manufacture date, warranty period, brand, serial number, exposure parameters.
✓ If an ionizing radiation source submitted for the state registration has no document or documents contain inaccuracies, the regulatory authority registers the source after its identification (detecting the exposure characteristics, type and technical characteristics).
✓ The regulatory authority in case of detecting inaccuracies in the submitted documents or non-compliance with the requirements of this procedure within 5 days after receiving returns them to the licensee with mandatory indication of inaccuracies or non-compliances.
Licensee re-submits the documents with relevant corrections and supplements within 5 days after they were returned, to the regulatory authority.
The regulatory authority based on the submitted reference notes within 5 days period registers the ionizing radiation source in the register of ionizing radiation sources and occupational exposure. Copies of reference notes relevantly validated and sealed are returned to the licensee within 3 days period.
Ionizing radiation sources are considered to be state registered by the regulatory authority upon making relevant record in the register of ionizing radiation sources and occupational exposure.
The requirements to format
and content of the register of ionizing radiation sources and occupational exposure are established by the regulatory authority.