List of frequently asked questions.

  • 01. What is ionizing radiation?

    Ionizing radiation is a type of radiation that causes ionization in the environment.

  • 02. What is ionizing radiation source?

    Ionizing radiation source is a material (source), that causes ionizing radiation. For example, radioactive sources, X-ray devices, charged particle accelerators.

  • 03. Do TV or radio channels or cell phones cause ionizing radiation and, therefore, are cell phone stations/antennas ionizing radiation sources?

    No, they do not. These types of waves do not cause ionization in the environment. Devices generating these waves are not ionizing radiation sources.

  • 04. Are all ionizing radiation sources equally dangerous?

    No, they are not. Ionizing radiation sources (both radioactive sources and ionizing radiation generators) are divided into different categories according to the danger/hazard of they represent.

    The classification of ionizing radiation sources according to their danger is set in article 7 of the Government Decree № 1489-N as of 18.08.2006 on approval of radiation safety rules.

  • 05. Are the radiation safety and protection requirements the same for all types of ionizing radiation sources?

    No, they are not. The safety and protection requirements of ionizing radiation sources depend on category of danger of those sources .

  • 06. What type of “tools” are used in international practice and/or in Armenia to control ionizing radiation sources, taking into account their danger?

    In order to control ionizing radiation sources the following measures are taken:

    • • Creation and modernization of regulatory legal system according to international leading practice,
    • • state registration of sources,
    • • licensing of activities with sources,
    • • licensing of people, working with sources,
    • • regular monitoring of the issued license conditions compliance with the safety and protection requirements (inspections).
  • 07. What are the measures to be undertaken by the legal entities and individuals working with such sources to ensure the radiation safety and protection of personnel and population, taking into account the danger coming from ionizing radiation sources?

    For the radiation safety and protection of personnel and population, the legal entities and individuals should undertake the following measures:

    • • To be aware of the legal documents in the field of radiation safety and protection related to their activities,
    • • To organize regular training and retraining of personnel working with radiation sources on issues related to radiation safety and protection,
    • • To implement terms and conditions of license granted,
    • • To implement regular radiation monitoring of the personnel and workplace,
    • • To provide the personnel with necessary special protective means.
  • 08. Are there any radiation limits/restrictions for people working with radiation sources or for other ones?

    Yes, there are. The dose limits, both for personnel working with radiation sources and for other ones, are established in articles 15 and 32 of the radiation safety norms approved under the RA Government Decree № 1219 as of 18.08.2006.

  • 09. What is the registration of radiation sources and how is it done?

    The registration of radiation sources is a process, which is implemented to provide the state with relevant information on sources, since the state controls over their safety. The registration of sources is implemented in accordance with the RA Government Decree No765-N as of 16.08.2001.

  • 10. What is a licence?

    A license is an official permit or an official document, issued by the state, which confirms the right for implementation of a particular type/types of practice.

  • 11. What is a license, issued for operation of radiation sources?

    Types of practices with radiation sources subject to licensing are established in the point 13 of the table in the Article 43 of the Law of the RA on Licensing as of 30.05.2001.

    A license for practice with radiation sources is an official permit or an official document, that confirms the right for implementation of particular type/types of practices as stipulated in the law.

  • 12. How are the practices with radiation sources licensed?

    Licensing for each type of practice with radiation source is implemented in accordance with the licensing procedure for that particylar type of practice, as it is stipulated in the RA Law on Licensing. Licensing procedures are described in the relevant decrees approved by the RA Government.

    • The RA Government Decree № 1751-N as of 09.12. 2004 on approval of the licensing procedure and licence form for use of radioactive materials, devices containing radioactive materials, or radiation generators.

    • The RA Government Decree № 1791-N as of 09.12.2004 on approval of the licensing procedure and license form for transport of radioactive materials or devices containing radioactive materials.

    • The RA Government Decree № 1792-N as of 09.12.2004 on approval of the licensing procedure or license form for storage radioactive materials or devices containing radioactive materials.

    • The Government Decree № 2140-N as of 01.12.2005 on approval of licensing procedure or license form for manufacture of radioactive materials or equipment containing radioactive materials.

    Other procedures by the type of practice.

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