The mandate of the Working Group on Regulatory Use of PSA functioning in frame of the VVER Regulators Forum for the forth period is coordinated by the Republic of Armenia.
The kick-off meeting of the VVER Regulators Forum Working Group on Regulatory Use of PSA took place in Yerevan, Armenia from 10 to 12 June 2014. The experts of the regulatory authorities and technical support organizations of the following countries participated in the meeting: Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Czech Republic Germany, Russia, India and Ukraine.
The meeting was organized with joint efforts of ANRA and NRSC.
The key points, results and recommendations of the PSA WG during 2003-2013 were presented and discussed during the meeting and the following main issues were identified for the fourth period of the PSA WG:
During the kick-off meeting the PSA WG members made national presentations on recent developments of PSA programmes in their countries. In addition the list of tasks to be implemented within the PSA WG 4th mandate was discussed in detail and finalized. As a result of the meeting further activities were agreed and responsibilities as well as working schedule were assigned. Results of the kick-off meeting of the PSA working group were summarized in the protocol.