Under the RA Government Decree № 573 as of 16 November 1993 as a state authority under the RA Government empowered to regulate the nuclear and radiation safety in the nuclear energy field.
ANRA is a state authority responsible for regulation of nuclear and radiation safety in the nuclear energy field (safety of nuclear installations, safe use of ionizing radiation sources, safe management of radioactive waste, safe transportation of nuclear and radioactive materials).
Under the RA Government Decree № 573 as of 16 November 1993 as a state authority under the RA Government empowered to regulate the nuclear and radiation safety in the nuclear energy field.
In the period 2002-2008 ANRA functioned within the Ministry for Nature Protection of the RA in the status of the inspectorate on state regulation of nuclear and radiation safety in the nuclear energy field․
Under the Ordinance issued by the RA President on May 20, 2008 the inspectorate on state regulation of nuclear and radiation safety was reorganized into the State Committee under the Government of the RA on Nuclear Safety Regulation (the acronym “ANRA” is retained). The statute and the organizational chart of ANRA were approved under the RA Government Decree № 866 as of June 17, 2008.