Regional Workshop on Modular Design of Processing and Storage Facilities for Small Volumes of Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste and Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources took place in Yerevan from 29 June to 3 July 2009. The Workshop was organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency in cooperation with the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority in frame of RER9094 project
The workshop participants were operators or regulators involved in practices related to waste processing or storage facilities from Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary, Macedonia, and Armenia.
The purpose of the workshop was to discuss and exchange experience and information on best practices, technologies and solutions for design, construction, licensing and operation of waste facilities. The workshop program consisted of presentations and practical exercises. The presentations were provided by invited experts and covered such issues as safety requirements for predisposal management of radioactive wastes, development of safety case and licensing applications with choice of technical option for modular/mobile processing and storage and approaches for alignment of development of safety case and licensing applications with choice of technical option for modular/mobile processing and storage and other. The practical exercises included development of technical specification for design and construction of processing and storage facilities. For that purpose the workshop participants were split into 3 groups each consisting of operators and regulators. The task of "operators" was to develop the technical specification and the task of "regulators" was to review the TS and make decision. At the end of exercise each group made a presentation demonstrating the developed technical specification. The presentations were followed by discussions between "regulators" and "operators".