The Republic of Armenia (RA) has been a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) since 1993 and has benefited substantially from the IAEA’s Technical Cooperation Programme. Country Programme Framework between IAEA and RA for 2018–2023 signed on September 18, 2018. It establishes the needs and priorities of the technical cooperation with the IAEA.
In 2022-2023, the following national projects are implemented within the framework of the technical cooperation of the IAEA:
• ARM0007 “Establishing a Master Study Programme in Nuclear Technology Management in Universities”
• ARM2005 “Enhancing Nuclear Safety for the Extended Design Operation Lifetime of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant”
• ARM7001 “Improving Mercury Monitoring Capacities to Meet the Requirements of the Minamata Convention”.
The following national TC projects have been extended, taking into account the situation due to the pandemia:
• ARM6004 “Improving the Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy and Medical Imaging”
• ARM1001 “Ensuring Inspections of the Nuclear Power Plant are Conducted by Staff Certified in Non-Destructive Testing”
• ARM9029 “Strengthening the National Regulatory Framework for Nuclear and Radiation Safety for Licensing Long Term Operation of the Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2”
• ARM9026 “Strengthening Nuclear Power Plant Operational Safety In Line with International Practices”.
Carmina Jimenez, IAEA TC project management officer responsible for Armenia visited Yerevan from November 21 to 24, 2022. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the implementation of the ongoing national projects and to review their work plans, as well as to discuss the drafts of designs and work plans of the TC national projects for the cycle 2024-2025. The agenda of Carmina Jimenez included meetings at the Ministry for Nature Protection of the RAthe Armenian NPP, and the National Center of Oncology after V.A. Fanarjyan; she met the project counterparts and other relevant specialists involved in the implementation of the national projects.
The regulatory problems and priorities were discussed during the meeting at the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ANRA). The work plan of the ARM9029 national program was revised taking into account the discussion results with respect to which the. Specialists of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center (ANRA TSO) also participated in the meetings held in ANRA.
Thus, as a result of the visit of Carmina Jimenez to Yerevan, the work plans of the IAEA TC national projects of Armenia have been revised, taking into account the existing needs and priorities; besides, issues have been identified to be additionally studied to be relevantly reflected in the work plans. The meetings have been marked with the productive discussions, the participants raised their questions of interest and received exhaustive responses.