The national training course on accounting for and control of nuclear materials was organized from 18-21 November 2008 by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The purpose of the training course was to establish competence and to improve the capability in implementation of the Safeguards Agreement between the IAEA and Armenia and the Protocol Additional to the Safeguards Agreement in line with the IAEA requirements. The training course was attended by representatives of Armenian NPP, Yerevan Physics Institute, National Institute of Metrology, National Center of Oncology, Institute of Physics Researches, ANRA and NRSC. The training course consisted of presentations made by the IAEA staff in particular on IAEA Safeguards System, Role of SSAC, Reporting Obligations, Basic Concepts of IAEA Nuclear Material Accounting and so on. The IAEA staff provided detailed information on preparation of reports and records on nuclear materials, and also preparation of declarations under the additional protocol. The national training course will contribute to improvement of the Safeguards implementation.